We believe that the involvement of the manufacturer doesn’t stop when a Building Maintenance Unit (BMU) is installed on a building and tested successfully. From a safety (and regulation) point of view, those who are going to work with the equipment have to know how it works and what to do when the situation asks for an emergency procedure..
Specific training for users
As described earlier, a BMU is mostly customized according to the design of a structure and/or the demands of the client. Because of that, each BMU has its own features and associated user instructions. For example, users need to know how to deploy and park the machine, how to work with the restraint system, with a possible GRU-system, how to switch gondolas and other features that a BMU can have.
The training is provided by a qualified person who knows the specific BMU.
Besides an explanation of the machine and its features, the users will also get a hands-on experience with the BMU.

Service and maintenance
Remote service
Some manufacturers, like Facadexs can even provide service from a distance when any problems occur with a BMU. They can remotely access the control box of the machine and check all values, statistics and current status. This enables them to spot any problems and provide advice on whether a mechanic is needed. Sometimes, they can solve the issues themselves by making software changes and no mechanic is needed, saving on costly down-time.
Periodic maintenance activities
In general, a BMU has to be checked thoroughly (at least) once per year by well-trained service technicians. During this inspection, lubricants are replaced or filled, parts are cleaned and other small work is performed.
Besides these smaller checks, load tests are performed as well to determine whether the machine is as strong when it was installed and still complies with the (local) standards and safety regulations. Also, any damaged or worn parts are replaced to make sure the machines are safe to use and the chance of mechanical failure is minimized.
Upgrading a BMU
Besides maintaining a BMU and making sure it works properly, manufacturers also offer the option to upgrade it. For example, when a client wants to decrease the time it takes to clean the facade of the building, the capacity of the cradle can be increased to offer more space for additional workers. In that case, another cradle is installed by the manufacturer.
Another example might be that a client hasn’t chosen to implement a Glass Replacement Unit, to be able to replace damaged glass panels. Later on, that client might want to install it on the existing BMU, because other ways of replacing broken windows are too expensive or impractical. In that case, the manufacturer can design and install a GRU system on the BMU as well.
Minimizing unsafe practices
With this blog, our series of articles in which we describe the different phases of safely installing a facade access system comes to an end. Our goal of sharing our knowledge and experience with you was to minimize unsafe practices that may lead to preventable accidents with poorly designed and installed BMUs.
Whenever you encounter a situation in which you need advice regarding facade access equipment, don’t hesitate to contact us. Also, download out infographic about safely installing a facade access system for a clear overview of all phases.