Monorail systems

Our monorail solutions provide easy facade maintenance for the most complex building designs

As the name implies, a monorail is a single rail track. Monorail systems on the other hand, are used for building maintenance and consist out of a rail track, a set of trolleys and a cradle.

Monorail systems are suitable for both outdoor and indoor use, for example, they can be mounted on the face of the facade or inside an atrium.

A monorail track can be fixed to a wall or ceiling, or etched into the building’s structure. The track can be configured horizontally, vertically or on an incline, which allows the system to cover complex routes. Both the shape and the color can be matched to the structure, integrating the system into the structure.

Monorails for complex facades

Monorails are ideal for medium-rise buildings with complicated designs and hard-to-reach facades.

With buildings designs becoming increasingly unconventional, there is more demand for solutions that provide access to the entire facade, no matter how complex its design may be. Our monorail systems meet that demand.

A monorail system basically consists of two parts: the rails and a trolley which moves over the rails. Conveniently, a monorail system can be fixed to a building’s parapet or ceiling, which makes this system able to tackle even the most complex routes.


The XS110 monorail can be recessed or etched into a building’s structure. In this way, the monorail track has a minimum visual impact.


The XS127 monorail track is used for routes with vertical sections. In order to move upwards, this monorail requires a motorized trolley.

The XS133 monorail suffices for horizontal trajectories that are attached to the outside of a wall or ceiling from the beginning to the end.

Customized solutions

Installing monorails involves more than just fitting the monorail track to the contour of the building. Our monorail systems can be equipped with several innovative functions to make working on a facade a lot easier.

For example, our monorail systems can be fitted with a hoist for lifting glass panels, which makes window replacements a lot easier. The hoist allows workers to fit glass panels without having to use much force.

This system works in combination with self-hoisting cradles which allow users to position themselves in front of the facade using the central control panel.